This is silicon containing granular fertilizer and it is made as per Indian organic standards. The key element in Silipark is Calcium Silicate upto 48%.
Silicon can only be taken up by the plant in the form of mono-silicic acid. Silipark granules disperse into soil and make silicon available to plant into its absorbable form to plant roots. Silicon seems to benefit certain plants when they are under stress. It has been found to improve drought tolerance and delay wilting in certain crops where irrigation is withheld and may enhance the plant’s ability to resist micronutrient and other metal toxicities.
Plant assimilates silicon through roots as silicic acid. Inside plant, it travels to active growing points, where it complexes with an organic compound in the cell walls and make them stronger.
Silicon has an important role in the uptake and vascular transport of mineral nutrients and can greatly improve the mechanical “strength” of the plant and its resistance to fungal diseases. It strengthens the crop stem.
Please note that silicon fertilizers are very alkaline and increases the pH at higher side.